Karen Simon Kates
Class of 1986
"My Dwight career is nearly over with graduation only a few days away. Somehow the past four years have slipped by, and I know that my diploma cannot really tell where they have gone. So now I look back in retrospect to find out what high school was all about.
"It was the excitement of freshman year and the status of being 'a high school student.' It was meeting new classmates and making new friends. It was the responsibility of ordering and delivering Dwightie Nighties and the class effort for the Gameroom.
"It was the heavier workload of sophomore year and paper flower workshops for the Plant Room. It was the success of the Sophomore Dance and the pride that your class could do it.
"It was the SAT jitters and a tremendous effort for the Christmas Sale. It was college meetings with Mrs. Hanson and the Junior skit.
"It was the magic world of the Senior, more college jitters. And a closer camaraderie with your teachers. It was purple hats and long, white gowns. It was games with the faculty and taking subjects you wanted to take. It was the freedom of Senior Study and Garden and leaving school after classes. It was the experience of leadership and a sense of pride and accomplishment at the result of your efforts."