Teacher and Coach – Honored 2008
Dwight-Englewood School
Assistant Cross Country and Assistant Spring Track Coach (1978-79)
Head Boys Cross Country, Winter Track, And Spring Track Coach (1980-90)
Middle School Spring Track Coach (1991)
Spring Throwers Coach (1994)
Englewood Recreation Age-Group Spring Track Coach (1998-2000)
Spring Throwers Coach (2001-04)
Volunteer Spring Field Events Coach (2008)
43 Seasons Of Coaching At Dwight-Englewood
Boys Cross Country M.A.A.P.S. Champions (1983)
Boys Cross Country M.A.A.P.S. Champions (1984)
Boys Cross Country New Jersey Prep B State Champions (1984)
Boys And Girls Spring Track M.A.A.P.S. Champions (1988)